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Is there a way to chain multiple tailwind css classes on a single hover instance?

  • Name
    Ripal & Zalak

Chaining Multiple TailwindCSS Classes on Hover

TailwindCSS is a utility-first CSS framework that simplifies styling. A common question among developers is whether it’s possible to chain multiple TailwindCSS classes on a single hover instance. For instance:

<button class="hover:bg-blue-900 hover:text-white"></button>

Developers often wonder if this can be condensed into a single class like:

<button class="hover:bg-blue-900:text-white"></button>

Can You Chain Multiple Classes on Hover in TailwindCSS?

No, TailwindCSS does not currently support chaining multiple classes on a single hover (or any other pseudo-class) instance. Each style needs to be specified individually, as demonstrated in the first example above.

This limitation exists because TailwindCSS prioritizes performance and readability. Chaining could lead to larger CSS files and decreased performance. That said, there are alternatives and workarounds to address this.

Alternative Solutions

1. Use TailwindCSS's group Class

When styling nested elements, you can use the group utility. This allows you to style child elements based on the hover state of the parent.


<div class="group">
  <button class="hover:bg-blue-900 group-hover:text-white">Hover Me</button>

In this example, hovering over the parent <div> applies the group-hover class to the child <button>.

2. Create Reusable Classes with TailwindCSS

You can define reusable styles in the tailwind.config.js file or use custom CSS classes to group hover styles together.


// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      variants: {
        extend: {
          hover: ['group-hover'],

Custom CSS Example:

  .btn-hover {
    @apply hover:bg-blue-900 hover:text-white;
<button class="btn-hover">Hover Me</button>

3. Use clsx and tailwind-merge Libraries

For dynamic class handling in React or similar frameworks, you can use libraries like clsx or tailwind-merge to conditionally apply multiple classes.


import { clsx } from 'clsx'
import { twMerge } from 'tailwind-merge'

const Button = ({ isHovered }) => {
  return (
        clsx('bg-blue-500 text-white', isHovered && 'hover:bg-blue-900 hover:text-gray-200')
      Hover Me

4. Explore Twin.Macro

Twin.Macro combines the power of TailwindCSS with CSS-in-JS libraries like Styled Components or Emotion. It supports grouped syntax for hover and other pseudo-classes.


import tw from 'twin.macro'

const Button = tw.button`
  hover:(bg-blue-900 text-white)

Why Doesn't TailwindCSS Support Chaining?

According to Adam Wathan, the creator of TailwindCSS:

Chaining classes for hover and other pseudo-classes could lead to larger CSS files and negatively impact performance.

While it may look cleaner, the current approach ensures better performance and smaller production builds.


1. Can I write hover:bg-blue-900:text-white in TailwindCSS?

No, TailwindCSS does not allow chaining classes like this. Each pseudo-class needs to be specified individually.

2. Are there plans to add chaining in the future?

As of now, there’s no official roadmap for this feature due to performance concerns. However, tools like Twin.Macro or custom plugins might provide similar functionality.

3. How do I handle hover effects on nested elements?

Use the group utility to apply hover styles to child elements based on the parent’s state.