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How to Change Alert Colors in Material UI

  • Name
    Ripal & Zalak

How to Change Alert Colors in Material UI

Material UI provides an Alert component with predefined severity colors (success, error, warning, and info). However, developers often need custom colors for branding or better UI consistency. This guide covers multiple ways to override and customize MUI Alert colors.

Method 1: Using Theme Overrides

The best way to apply global changes to your Alert component is by using createTheme and styleOverrides:

import { createTheme, ThemeProvider } from '@mui/material/styles'
import Alert from '@mui/material/Alert'

const theme = createTheme({
  components: {
    MuiAlert: {
      styleOverrides: {
        standardSuccess: {
          backgroundColor: 'green',
          color: 'white',
        standardError: {
          backgroundColor: 'red',
          color: 'white',
        standardWarning: {
          backgroundColor: 'orange',
          color: 'white',
        standardInfo: {
          backgroundColor: 'grey',
          color: 'black',

function App() {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
      <Alert severity="success">Success Alert</Alert>
      <Alert severity="error">Error Alert</Alert>
      <Alert severity="warning">Warning Alert</Alert>
      <Alert severity="info">Info Alert</Alert>

export default App

Method 2: Using Styled Components

You can create a styled version of the Alert component using MUI’s styled API:

import { styled } from '@mui/material/styles'
import Alert from '@mui/material/Alert'

const StyledAlert = styled(Alert)({
  backgroundColor: '#fde8e9',
  color: '#d32f2f',

function App() {
  return (
    <StyledAlert severity="error" variant="filled">
      Custom Error Alert

export default App

Method 3: Inline Styles with Props

If you need a quick customization without modifying global styles, you can pass styles directly using the sx prop:

function App() {
  return (
    <Alert severity="warning" sx={{ backgroundColor: '#ffcc00', color: '#000' }}>
      Custom Warning Alert

export default App

Method 4: Custom Component with Dynamic Colors

For fully flexible color options, create a wrapper component that takes custom colors as props:

import Alert from '@mui/material/Alert'
import { styled } from '@mui/material/styles'

const CustomAlert = styled(Alert)(({ background }) => ({
  backgroundColor: background || 'inherit',

function App() {
  return (
    <CustomAlert severity="info" background="#4caf50">
      Custom Info Alert

export default App


1. Can I use Tailwind CSS with Material UI Alerts?

Yes, but you’ll need to manually override MUI styles using Tailwind classes via the sx prop or global styles.

2. Will these methods work in MUI v4?

No, the styleOverrides feature is available in MUI v5. In MUI v4, you need to use overrides in the theme configuration.

3. Can I set different colors for dark mode?

Yes, you can use MUI's theme mode detection and apply different colors based on theme.palette.mode.